CMI Data Science Entrance Mock Test Series

Welcome to the mock test series for the CMI Data Science entrance examination. We have carefully designed a series of 5 mock tests, that follow a pattern similar to that of the CMI Data Science Entrance Exam.

Following are the guidelines pertaining to the course:

  • The student should appear for the mock tests over a period of 5 weeks, one test each week. It is thus advised so that the students can prepare themselves for the upcoming tests based on their performance.
  • Mock Tests have started on Sunday, 10th April 2022 and every Sunday a new mock test will be released.  This gives you the time to revisit some problems before being tempted to look at the solutions. Solutions, as well as answer keys, will all be available on our classroom portal where you will be giving the exam.


To give you a feel of how the mock test has been designed here is one sample test for you to try your hands on. For free Mock Test: Click Here

For the Five Mock Tests: Click Here

To visit our classroom portal: Click Here

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Enrolled: 24 students
Duration: 5 Mock Tests
Level: Advanced