Indian Statistical Institute, ISI MMATH 2020 PMA Solutions & Discussions

ISI MMATH 2020 Multiple Choice Questions PMA, Objectives: Solutions and Discussions

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Problem 1

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and let W be a proper subspace of V. Let W' be another subspace of V such that V=W\oplus W', i.e. V= span (W\cup W') and W\cap W'=\{0\}. Let T:V\to V be an invertible linear map such that T(W)\subset W. Which of the following statements is necessarily true ?

(a) T(W')\subset W';

(b) W'\subset T(W');

(c) T(W')\cap W=\{0\};

(d) W'\subset \ker(T).


The map T is injective, hence \dim T(W)=\dim W and T maps W onto W: T(W)=W. Let w\in T(W')\cap W. There exists w'\in W' such that Tw'=w. But w\in W=T(W) and there exists v\in W such that Tv=w. So,


T is injective, hence v=w'\in W\cap W'=\{0\}. So, w=0.

Answer (c)

Problem 2

Let V be a finite dimensional real vector space, and let T:V\to V be a linear map such that Range(T)=\ker(T). Which of the following statements in not necessarily true ?

(a) T=0;

(b) T^2=0;

(c) 0 is an eigenvalue of T;

(d) All eigenvalues of T are equal to 0.


Consider T:\mathbb{R}^2\to \mathbb{R}^2 given by

    \[T\begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ x \end{pmatrix}.\]

Then \mbox{Ker}(T)=\{0\}\times \mathbb{R}=\mbox{Range}(T), but T\ne 0.

Answer (a)

Problem 3

Consider the vector space \mathbb{R}^n equipped with the Euclidean metric d define by


Let W be a proper subspace of \mathbb{R}^n. Which of the following statements is necessarily true ?

(a) W is closed.

(b) W is open.

(c) W is not closed.

(d) W is neither closed nor open.


Let \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\} be a basis in \mathbb{R}^n, such that \{e_1,\ldots,e_k\} is a basis in W. Consider the linear map

    \[T:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}^{n-k},\]

given by T(\sum^n_{j=1}x_je_j)=(x_{k+1},\ldots,x_n). T is continuous. Then W=\mbox{Ker}(T) is closed.

Answer (a)

Problem 4

Let A be a 5\times 5 real matrix. If A=(a_{ij}), let A_ij denote the cofactor of the entry a_{ij}, for 1\leq i,j\leq 5. Let A denote the matrix whose (i,j)-th entry is A_{ij},1\leq i,j\leq 5. Suppose the rank of A is 3. What is the rank of A?

(a) 1;

(b) 3;

(c) 5;

(d) 0.


Each element of \hat{A} is (up to sign) a 4\times 4 minor of the matrix A. Since the rank of A is equal to 3, all 4\times 4 minors of A are equal to 0 and \hat{A} has rank zero.

Answer (d)

Problem 5

For n\geq 2, the determinant of the n\times n permutation matrix

(a) (-1)^n;

(b) (-1)^{n(n-1)/2};

(c) -1;

(d) 1.


By induction we check that the determinant is equal to (-1)^{n(n-1)/2}. If n=1, then the determinant is equal to 1=(-1)^0. Assume the result is true for n. Expanding the determinant of the (n+1)\times (n+1) permutation matrix by the first row we get the answer

    \[(-1)^n\cdot (-1)^{n(n-1)/2}=(-1)^{n(n+1)/2}\]

Answer (b)

Problem 6

Let M_2(\mathbb{R}) denote the vector space of all 2\times 2 matrices over the field of real number i.e.


Let S\subset M_2(\mathbb{R}) be the subspace defined by

    \[S=\bigg\{\binom{a\hspace{.6cm}b}{c\hspace{.6cm}d}\in M_2(\mathbb{R}):a+c=0\bigg\}.\]

Then the dimension of S is

(a) 1;

(b) 2;

(c) 3;

(d) 4.


The generic element of S is of the form

    \[\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ -a & d \end{pmatrix}=a\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}+b\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}+d\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}\]

Answer (c)

Problem 7

Let V be a finite dimensional real vector space of dimension n>1 and let W\subset V be a subspace of dimension n-1. A linear map from V to \mathbb{R} is called a linear functional on V. Which of the following statements is necessarily true ?

(a) There does not exist any linear functional on V such that W is the kernel of that linear functional;

(b) W is the kernel of unique linear functional on V;

(c) W is the kernel of a linear functional on V;

(d) There exist a non-zero linear functional on V whose kernel strictly contains W.


Let a\in V\setminus W. Then every element v\in V has a unique expansion

    \[v=w+ta,\ t\in\mathbb{R}.\]

Define f(v)=ct, c\ne 0. Then f\ne 0 and \mbox{Ker}(f)=W.

Answer (c)

Problem 8

Let <\dots >_n denote the standard inner product on the vector space \mathbb{R}^n,i.e.


for vectors x,y\in\mathbb{R}^n. Let T:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^m be a linear map such that


for all x,y\in\mathbb{R}^n. which of the following statements is necessarily true ?
(a) n\geq m.

(b) n\leq m.

(c) n=m.

(d) The map T is onto


The map T is injective, so it maps the basis of \mathbb{R}^n into a linearly independent subset of \mathbb{R}^m.

Answer (b)

Problem 9

Let V be a finite dimensional real inner product space and let T:V\to V be a linear map such that <TxTy>=<x,y> for all x,y\to V. Suppose W\subset V is a proper subspace of V such that T(W)\subset W Define a subspace W^{\perp} of V by

    \[W^{\perp} := \{v\in V|<v,w>=0 \mbox{ for all } w\in W\}\]

(a) T(W^{\perp}) is not contained in W^{\perp}.

(b) T(W^{\perp}) is contained in W^{\perp}.

(c) T(W^{\perp})\cap W^{\perp}=\{0\}.

(d) W^{\perp} is contained in T(W^{\perp})


Let v\in W^\perp. There exists x\in V such that Tx=v. For every w\in W we have Tw\in W and

    \[\langle x,w\rangle =\langle Tx,Tw\rangle=\langle v,Tw\rangle=0.\]

So, x\in W^\perp and v\in T(W^\perp).

Answer (d)

Problem 10

Let R be a ring with unit such that a^2=a for all a\in\mathbb{R}. Which of the following statements is not neccessarily true ?
(a) ab=-ba for all a,b,\in\mathbb{R},

(b) a=-a for all a\in\mathbb{R},

(c) R is commutative,

(d) R=\{0,1\}.


Let R be the ring of all subsets of a set S, with operations

    \[A+B=A\Delta B, AB=A\cap B.\]

R is an idempotent ring, R\ne \{0,1\}.

Answer (d)

Problem 11

Let S be a nonempty set, and let p(S) be the power set of S, i.e. p(S)=\{A|A\subset S|\}. Define a binary operation \angle on P(S) by A\angle B:=(A\cup B)\setminus (A\cap B) for A,B\in P(S). Which of the following statements is necessarily true ?

(a) (P(S),\triangle) is not a group as \triangle is not associative.

(b) (P(S),\triangle) is not a group as there is no identity.

(c) (P(S),\triangle) is an abelian group.

(d) (P(S),\triangle) is a non-abelian group.


With the operation \Delta, the power set P(S) is an abelian group:

    \[A\Delta \emptyset =A, A\Delta A=\emptyset,\]

    \[A\Delta B=B\Delta A, (A\Delta B)\Delta C=A\Delta (B\Delta C).\]

Answer (c)

Problem 12

Let I_1,I_2 be ideals of a commutative ring \mathbb{R}. Define the set

    \[I_1+I_2:=\{a+b|a\in I_1, b\in I_2\}.\]

Which of the following statements in not neccessarily true ?
(a) I_1+I_2 is an ideal of \mathbb{R}.

(b) I_1\subset I_1+I_2.

(c) |I_1+I_2|=|I_1|+|I_2| if \mathbb{R} is finite.

(d) |I_1+I_2|=|I_1|\cdot |I_2| if I_1\cap I_2=\{0\} and \mathbb{R} is finite.


If I_1=I_2 with |I_1|>1, then I_1+I_2=I_1 and (c) fails.

Answer (c)

Problem 13

Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring \mathbb{R}. Define the set

    \[\sqrt{I}:=\{a\in\mathbb{R}|\mbox{ There exists }n\geq 1 \mbox{ such that } a^n\in I \}.\]

Which of the following statements is neccessarily true ?
(a) \sqrt{I} is an ideal.

(b) \sqrt{I} is not an ideal.

(c) \sqrt{I}=I.

(d) \sqrt{I}\subset I.


We check that \sqrt{I} is an ideal. Let a,b\in \sqrt{I}. Then a^n,b^m\in I for some n,m\geq 1. We have

    \[(a+b)^{n+m}=\sum^{n+m}_{j=0}{n+m\choose j}a^jb^{n+m-j}.\]

If j\geq n, then a^jb^{n+m-j}=a^n (a^{j-n}b^{n+m-j})\in I.

If j<n, then a^jb^{n+m-j}=b^m (a^{j}b^{n-j})\in I. In any case a^jb^{n+m-j}\in I, so (a+b)^{n+m}\in I and a+b\in\sqrt{I}.

If a\in \sqrt{I}, r\in R, then a^n\in I for some n\geq 1 and (ra)^n=r^na^n\in I. So, ra\in\sqrt{I}.

Answer (a)

Problem 14

How many non-isomorphic group are there of order 15?

(a) 1;

(b) 2;

(c) 3;

(d) 5.


There is an element a\in G of order 3 and an element b\in G of order 5. They generate cyclic Sylow subgroups P and Q of G. Let n_3 be the number of 3-Sylow subgroups of G. Then

    \[n_3| 5, \ n_3\equiv 1 \mod 3.\]

It follows that n_3=1 and P is a normal subgroup of G. Similarly, Q is a normal subgroup of G. Elements of P commute with elements of Q, and the order of ab is 3\cdot 5=15. G is cyclic.

Answer (a)

Problem 15

Suppose G is a group and a,b\in G. which of the following statements is neccessarily true ?

(a) There exist a positive integer n such that a^n=b^n;

(b) (ab)^{-1}=a^{-1}b^{-1};

(c) o(ab)=o(ba).

(d) None of the above statements is necessarily true.


If (ab)^n=e, then


This proves o(ab)\geq o(ba). By symmetry, o(ab)=o(ba).

Answer (c)

Problem 16

Let H_1,H_2 be distinct subgroups of a finite abelian group G. Define the subgroup H_1H_2 by H_1H_2={h_1h_2|h_1\in H_1,h_2\in H_2}.
Which of the following statements is neccessarily true ?
(a) |G|\leq |H_1|+|H_2|;

(b) |G\setminus (H_1\cap H_2)|=|G\subminus H_1|\cdot |G\setminus H_2|,

(c) |G\setminus H_1|=|G\setminus H_2|\cdot |H_2\setminus (H_1\cup H_2)|.

(d) |(H_1 H_2)\setminus H_1|=|H_2\setminus (H_1\cup H_2)|.


Consider the mapping f:H_1H_2\to H_2/(H_1\cap H_2) given by

    \[f(h_1h_2)=h_2(H_1\cap H_2).\]

f is well-defined. Indeed, if


then h^{-1}_1h'_1=h^{-1}_2h'_2\in H_1\cap H_2 and

    \[h_2(H_1\cap H_2)=h'_2(H_1\cap H_2).\]

f is a homomorphism. Its kernel coincides with H_1:

    \[h_2\in H_1\Leftrightarrow h_1h_2\in H_1.\]

So, the quotient of f is an isomorphism.

Answer (d)

Problem 17

Let P>3 be a prime number and let s_p denote the symmetric group on P symbols. How many p-Sylow subgroup are there in S_p?

(a) 1;

(b) p;

(c) 2;

(d) (P-2)!.


Every p-Sylow subgroup of S_p is a cyclic group. It contains (p-1) elements of order p. Every element of order p in S_p is given by a permutation (1,n_2,\ldots,n_p) of \{1,2,\ldots,p\}. There are (p-1)! such permutations, so the number of p-Sylow subgroups is \frac{(p-1)!}{p-1}=(p-2)!.

Answer (d)

Problem 18

Let \mathbb{R} be a commutative ring with unit and let

    \[N=\{a\in \mathbb{R}|a^n=0 \mbox{ for some integer } n\geq 0\}.\]

Which of the following statements is necessarily true ?
(a) Any prime of \mathbb{R} contains N,

(b) N is not an ideal,

(c) N is a prime ideal,

(d) N=\{0\}.


Let P be a prime ideal in R. For any a\in N we have for some n\geq 1

    \[a^n=aa\ldots a=0\in P.\]

The ideal is prime, hence one of the factors is in P, i.e. a\in P and N \subset P.

Answer (a)

Problem 19

Let f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R} be twice continuously differentiable, and suppose \lim_{x\to\infty}f''(x)=1. Which of the following statements is necessarily true ?


(b) \lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x^2} does not exist,

(c) \lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x^2}=2,

(d) \lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x^2}=1\setminus 2.


Apply Taylor’s expansion:

    \[f(x)=f(0)+xf'(0)+\int^x_0 (x-t)f''(t)dt.\]


applying L’Hopital’s rule twice


Answer (d)

Problem 20

Let f_n:[0,1]\to\mathbb{R} be define by f_n(x)=(\cos(\pi x))^{2n}. Which of the following statements is true ?

(a) The sequence \{f_n\} converges uniformly on {0,1},

(b) The sequence \{f_n\} converges pointwise on [0,1] to a function f such that f has exactly one point of discontinuity,

(c) The sequence \{f_n\} converges pointwise on [0,1] to a function f such that f has exactly two points of discontinuity,

(d) The sequence \{f_n\} does not converge pointwise on [0,1].


f_n(0)=f_n(1)=1. If 0<x<1, then |\cos(\pi x)|<1 and f_n(x)\to 0.

Answer (c)

Problem 21


Let f: [-1,1] \to\mathbb{R} be a continuous function such that

    \[\int^1_{-1} f(x) x^{2n}dx=0\]

for all n\geq 0.Which of the following statements is necessarily false ?
(a) f^1_{-1}f(x)^2 dx=f^1_{-1}f(-x)^2 dx.

(b) \bigg(\sup_{x\in|-1,1|}f(x)\bigg)+\bigg(\inf_{x\in|-1,1|}f(x)\bigg)=0.

(c) f(0)\neq 0.

(d) f(1\setminus 2)f(-1\setminus 2)\leq 0.


Consider function g(x)=\frac{f(x)+f(-x)}{2}. g(x) is continuous on [-1,1] and for all n\geq 0


Since polynomials are dense in L^2([-1,1]) we deduce that g(x)=0. In particular,


Answer (c)

Problem 22

Let f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R} be a continuous function such that f(x+1)=f(x)+1 for all x\in\mathbb{R}. Which of the following statements is necessarily false ?

(a) \lim_{x+\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x^{1+e}}=0 for all \in>0,

(b) \lim_{x+\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x} does not exist,

(c) \lim_{x+\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x}=1,

(d) \lim_{x+\infty}\frac{f(x)}{x^{1+e}}=+\infty for all \in >0.


Let C=\sup_{x\in[0,1]}|f(x)|. Let n\leq x<n+1. Then
f(x)=f(n+(x-n))=n+f(x-n) and

    \[\frac{f(x)}{x}=\frac{n+f(x-n)}{n+(x-n)}=\frac{1+\frac{f(x-n)}{n}}{1+\frac{x-n}{n}}\to 1, \ n\to\infty\]

Answer (b)

Problem 23

Let \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}} denote the set of all sequence \{x_n\} such that x_n\in\{0,1\} for all n\geq. Define a map f:\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}}\to\mathbb{R} by


Which of the following statements is true ?
(a) The map f is one-to-one and onto from \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}} to [0,1].

(b) The map f is one-to-one and onto from \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}} to [0,1).

(c) The map f is onto from \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}} to [0,1] and |f^{-1}(1\setminus 2)|=2.

(d) The map f is onto from \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}} to [0,1] and |f^{-1}(1)|=2.


Every real number y\in [0,1] has a binary expansion

    \[y=\sum^\infty_{n=1}\frac{x_n}{2^n}, \ x_n\in \{0,1\}, n\geq 1.\]

The map f:\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}}\to [0,1] is onto. We observe that




Answer (c)

Problem 24

Let f:[0,\infty)\to\mathbb{R} be a monotone increasing functions, and define f_n:[0,\infty)\to\mathbb{R} by


for all n\geq 1. Suppose that for some x_0\in[0,\infty), the limit \lim_{n\to\infty}f_n(x_0), exists. Which of the following statements is necessarily false ?
(a) The sequence \{f_n\} converges pointwise on [0,\infty).

(b) The sequence \{f_n\} converges uniformly on [0,\infty).

(c) The limit \lim_{x\to\infty}f(x) exists.

(d) The function f is unbounded on [0,\infty).


Let y=\lim_{n\to\infty}f_n(x_0)=\lim_{n\to\infty}f(x_0+n)=\sup_{n\geq 1}f(x_0+n). Let x\geq 0. Find n\geq 1 such that x_0+n\geq x. Then

    \[f(0)\leq f(x)\leq f(x_0+n)\leq y.\]

f is bounded.

Answer (d)

Problem 25

Let X,Y be set and let f:X\to Y be a function. Let \{S_i\}_{i\in I} be a family of subsets of X,i.e. S_i\subset X for all i\in I, Where I is an index set.
Which of the following statements is not necessarily true ?

(a)F(\cup_i\in IS_i)\subset \cup_{i\in I}f(S_i).

(b) F(\cup_i\in IS_i)\supset\cap_{i\in I}f(S_i).

(c) F(\cap_i\in IS_i)\subset \cap_{i\in I}f(S_i).

(d) F(\cup_i\in IS_i)\supset \cup_{i\in I}f(S_i).


Assume f(x)=y_0 for all x\in X. Let S_1,S_2\subset X be non-empty sets such that S_1\cap S_2=\emptyset. Then

    \[f(S_1)\cap f(S_2)=\{y_0\},\]


    \[f(S_1\cap S_2)=f(\emptyset)=\emptyset.\]


Answer (d)

Problem 26

Let S be the set of all those nonnegative real numbers \alpha with the following property: if \{x_n\} is a sequence of nonnegative real number such that \sum^{infty}_{n=1}x_n<+\infty, then we also have \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{\sqrt{x_n}}{n^{\alpha}}<+\infty. Which of the following statements is true ?

( a) S=\emptyset.

(b) S\supset(1/ 4),\infty.

(c) S\supset(1/ 2,\infty).

(d) S\subset (3/ 4,\infty).



By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

    \[\sum^\infty_{n=1}\frac{\sqrt{x_n}}{n^\alpha}\leq \sqrt{\sum^\infty_{n=1}x_n}\sqrt{\sum^\infty_{n=1}\frac{1}{n^{2\alpha}}}\]

The right-hand side is finite when 2\alpha>1, i.e. \alpha>\frac{1}{2}.

Answer (c)

Problem 27

Let X be a finite set. Let P(X) be the power set of X, i.e. the set whose elements are all subset of X. Which of the following defines a metric on the power set P(X)?

(a) d(V,W)=|(V\cup W)\setminus(V\cap W)|.

(b) d(V,W)=|V\cap W|.

(c) d(V,W)=|V\setminus W|.

(d) d(V,W)=|V\cup W|.


The metric is given by d(V,W)=|(V\cup W)\setminus (V\cap W)|=|V\Delta W|. Indeed, from inclusion

    \[V\Delta W\subset (V\Delta Z)\cup (Z\Delta W)\]

it follows that

    \[d(V,W)=|V\Delta W|\leq |V\Delta Z|+|Z\Delta W|=d(V,Z)+d(Z,W).\]


    \[d(V,W)=|V\Delta W|=|W\Delta V|=d(W,V)\]


    \[d(V,W)=0\Leftrightarrow V\Delta W=\emptyset \Leftrightarrow V=W.\]

Answer (a)

Problem 28

The tangent line to the curve 2_x^6+y^4=9_{xy} at the point (1,2) has slope

(a) 3/23,

(b) 6/23,

(c) 9/23,

(d) 4/7.


The slope of the tangent line is \frac{dy}{dx}. Differentiating the equation of the curve we get


At (1,2) we obtain


Answer (b)

Problem 29

Consider the following statements:

1. If \sum_n a_n and \sum_n b_n are convergent, then \sum_n a_n b_n is convergent.
2. If \sum_n a_n is convergent and \sum_n b_n is absolutely convergent, then \sum_n a_nb_n is absolutely convergent.
3. If a_n\geq 0 for all n, \sum_n a_n is convergent, and \{b_n\} is bounded sequence, then \sum_n a_nb_n is absolutely convergent, then \sum_n a_nb_n is absolutely convergent.
Which of the following statements is true ?

(a) All of the statements are true,

(b) Statement is true but statement is false,

(c) Only statements and are true,

(d) Only statements and are true.


Statement (i) is false: consider the series \sum_n \frac{(-1)^n}{\sqrt{n}}. The series is convergent by the alternating series test. Take a_n=b_n=\frac{(-1)^n}{\sqrt{n}}. Then both series \sum_na_n and \sum_n b_n are convergent, but the series \sum_n a_nb_n=\sum_n \frac{1}{n} is divergent.

Statement (ii) is true. The sequence a_n converges to zero, so it is bounded. Hence,

    \[\sum_n|a_nb_n|\leq \sup_n|a_n|\sum_n |b_n|<\infty.\]

Statement (iii) is true by the same reasons: \sum_n a_n is absolutely convergent, sequence (b_n) is bounded.

Answer (d)

Problem 30

Consider the metric space (\mathbb{N}=\mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\},d), Where the metric d is define by d(m,n)=|\frac{1}{m}-\frac{1}{n}| for m,n\in \mathbb{N}, and d(n,\infty)=1/n for n\in\mathbb{N}. Let f:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{R} be a continuous function between metric space (Where \mathbb{R} is equipped with its usual metric). Which of the following statements is necessarily false ?
(a) The metric space \mathbb{N} is compact,

(b) The function f is unbounded,

(c) The function f is uniformly continuous,

(d) For any x\in\mathbb{R}, the set f^{-1}(\{x\}) is compact.


We prove that the metric space \overline{\mathbb{N}} is compact. Indeed, let \{V_\alpha\}_\alpha be an open cover of \overline{\mathbb{N}}. Let \infty\in V_{\alpha_0}. There exists \epsilon>0 such that B(\infty,\epsilon)\subset V_{\alpha_0}. If n>\frac{1}{\epsilon}, then d(n,\infty)=\frac{1}{n}<\epsilon and n\in V_{\alpha_0}. So, V_{\alpha_0} contains all points of \overline{\mathbb{N}} except possibly a finite number of points. The remaining set of points can be covered by finite number of sets V_\alpha. The space \overline{\mathbb{N}} is compact. Continuous function f:\overline{\mathbb{N}}\to \mathbb{R} defined on a compact space is bounded.

Answer (b)